Nick Vega
Professor Groat
Art 125
Form and Content
Each word has been changed and altered in form to visually unify the piece into one piece of art. Emphasis is connected with flow so it feels as if it is flowing into emphasis, and pulls the eye to it more. Emphasis was positioned in the bottom middle right corner in a large bold text to be viewed first on the design. Repetition was placed behind it in a swirl multiple times in a low opacity so it wouldn't divert too much attention from emphasis, but also draw more attention to it. Contrast is above repetition as if they are being stacked upon each other, but positioned so it wouldn't be seen before emphasis and balance. Contrast is split in the middle by different text, to represent the meaning of the word contrast. Balance is to the left of contrast and the lettering is placed to allow the letters to balance themselves on one another. It is diagonal from emphasis to interrupt the same placement as emphasis but in a smaller and less bold font so that it can be seen second and not first. Flow is to the left of emphasis flowing like a river also with the opacity as if it were transparent like water, allowing the placement of it to not turn the eye but redirect it to emphasis. Alignment is attached to the side emphasis to bring out the word more and it shows that alignment is in a line in clean font to resemble its meaning. All together the piece flows in a smooth movement for the eye to see emphasis, balance, contrast, flow, repetition, and alignment in that order to unify the design.